Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica is located in Nangang District, southeastern of Taipei, a global city and the political, economic, educational, and cultural center of Taiwan. It is a great place to live. Our lab started in September 2019. The lab focuses on understanding the molecular mechanism of neural circuits re-organiztion in learning and in diseases.
We use combined techniques, including multiphoton microscopy, patch-clamp electrophysiology, and microwire bundle and CMOS multielectrode array (MEA), for monitoring morphology and activity of a single synapse to a large neuronal population in mice. We also use cell-type- and neural circuit-specific optogenetic and chemogenetic manipulation, and deep-learning-based motion tracking to study mouse behaviors.
We are actively seeking research assistants, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and undergraduate and high school volunteers with an interest in using multidisciplinary approaches to studying neural circuit reorganization in healthy and in diseases conditions.
Interested prospective graduate students can apply through the Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP) in:
Dr. Yu-Wei Wu holds adjunct faculty position at the Department of Life Science, National Taiwan University and the Genome and Systems Biology Degree Program of NTU and Academia Sinica. Perspective Ph.D. and M.Sc. students might apply through these two programs.
For perspective students, research assistants and postdoctoral fellows please email